Daddies Girl..

Hi there readers,

So this blog is just going to be a really sappy shout out to my wonderful Dad. So I can understand if some of you want to go to that little x at the tab, but if you want to know how awesome my dad is you should read………… really………he’s pretty cool……….

Ok so I have to say I have been and always will be a daddies girl, All my family will  tell you I take after my dad for the most part. We both have red hair, we are both stubborn, and we are both total dorky people. My family is super close, but I’ve always been close to my dad, When I was little he was pretty much the only one who got me to sleep and he’s just always been the there for me.

Something that my dad is amazing at is playing his guitar, I will always have some of my best memories of him playing random melodies on it and just dancing around or humming to it as a little girl. He even got me my own guitar to teach me on, even though I haven’t gotten to that learning part. He got me into some pretty awesome music growing up. He’s also an amazing photographer, I love sharing that passion with him. Its pretty cool to have a parent that you can share passions with, and I’m really lucky to have two of them…

Another thing that I love that my dad has done with me and my sisters is get us into movies, its a family thing we love. My dad showed me some pretty awesome movies like Jaws and Die Hard, even though I was a little girl and my mom said not to let us girls watch it at a young age 😛 , but I think he’s the most awesome dad for watching all the musicals or chick flicks or Disney princess movies.I know it comes with having all girls but he never once said anything bad about it, he just let me and my sisters be all girly, and trust me we were not easy on him but he always loved it.

My dad is one of the strongest people I know and has taught me so much about life and given me so much advice, he’s helped me see what a relationship with God and with other people in life should look like and he is always there for me. He works non stop to help me and my family live and never says anything about it, he’s taught me what proper work ethic should look like and he has taught me how to love and look at things  with a open heart.

I could go on and on for like ever but I think I will just leave it with this:

Dad I love you and you have helped me grow to who I am today,  you are the best dad ever! You kill all my spiders and get things down that are too high for me to get, you helped me sleep when I was little and you gave me some pretty awesome memories so far in my life, you push me to become a better me and for that I thank you so much, I am grateful that I have a dad like you, even though I don’t always show it, I’m a really lucky girl. God gave me a gift to have dad like you. LOVE YOU! and I hope I did well on this little present for Fathers day!!

love, Emma-Rose

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